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Service Manual


Credit/Debit Card 
Top-Up at Kiosk 

☑️ Credit/Debit Card Top-Up at Kiosk

- NAMANE Kiosk > Choose 'Card Top-up' > Select Payment Method 'Card'

📝 Key Summary

[1] Credit/Debit Card Top-Up is available at the kiosk.

[2] At the kiosk, you can top up your pay balance or transportation balance with cash.

[3] There will be a certain fee incurred when you top up with a card.

✅ Credit/Debit Top-Up at kiosk

[1] Find a NAMANE Card Kiosk

[2] Kiosk main screen > Select ‘Card Top-up’

[3] Insert your card into the ‘Charge Card’ Area (You must insert a card, not tag, to load!)

[4] Select between ‘Pay Balance’/’Transit Balance’ to load

[5] Select Payment Method 'Card'

[6] Select Payment Amount > ‘Pay & Charge’

[7] Follow the on-screen instructions and put your Credit/debit Card in the card slot.

[8] Once the payment is completed, the charge complete!

※ An error may occur if you pull a card while charging. Please wait while charging is in progress.

※ Many customers tend to leave their card in the slot after payment. Please remember to take your card after payment.

✅ Credit/Debit Top-Up at kiosk

[1] Find a NAMANE Card Kiosk

[2] Kiosk main screen > Select ‘Card Top-up’

[3] Insert your card into the ‘Charge Card’ Area (You must insert a card, not tag, to load!)

[4] Select between ‘Pay Balance’/’Transit Balance’ to load

[5] Select Payment Method 'Card'

[6] Select Payment Amount > ‘Pay & Charge’

[7] Follow the on-screen instructions and put your Credit/debit Card in the card slot.

[8] Once the payment is completed, the charge complete!

※ An error may occur if you pull a card while charging. Please wait while charging is in progress.

※ Many customers tend to leave their card in the slot after payment. Please remember to take your card after payment.

⬇️🎬Check details on YouTube!

✅ Notice for Reloading at Card Kiosks

※ Only Namane Card Pay Balance, Transit Balance can be charged at Namane Kiosk.

※ There will be a certain fee incurred when you top up with a card.

※ Please prepare the right amount of cash. It is difficult to return the change.

※ An error may occur if you pull a card while charging. Please wait while charging is in progress.

※ Many customers tend to leave their card in the slot after payment. Please remember to take your card after payment.

※ A full refund is available if you request a refund within 7 days without using the charged amount.

※ For the amount that has passed 7 days after charging, you can only refund the amount remaining after using more than 60% of the final balance. (Excluding Card, Easy payment charging)