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Service Manual


Pay Card Refund/Cancel Card

💳 Pay Balance Refund

My>'MY NAMANE'>'Refunds and Terminations'>'Apply for Pay Balance Refund'

📱 Refund Application History

My>'MY NAMANE'>'Refunds and Terminations'>'Refund Application History'

📱 Card Termination Request

My>'MY NAMANE'>'Refunds and Terminations'>'Card Termination Request'

💳 Pay Balance Refund  

[1] Tap 'MY' to go to the 'MY page', then select 'My NAMANE'.

[2] In the Refund & Termination menu, tap 'Apply for Pay Balance Refund'.

[3] Select the card for refund and tap 'Select'.
[4] Choose the refund method(Korean Account or Money Box)

[5] Review the refund precautions and tap 'Next'.

[6] Select a refund reason and tap 'Next'.

[7] Enter refund account information, tap Next. Money Box: Provide passport name and number, then confirm the account. 

[8] Confirm refund details and tap 'Next' to complete the refund.

[9] Select a Money Box branch, confirm the refund information, and complete the process. 

Show the screen to Money Box staff for finalization.

📱 Refund Application History 

[1] Tap 'MY' to go to the 'MY page', then select 'My NAMANE'.

[2] In the 'Refund & Termination' menu, tap 'Refund Application History' to view the details.

❗ Please be noted!

※ Refund of the Pay Balance can be applied for when more than 60% of the Pay Balance has been used after the most recent deposit. (Excluding Card, Mobile payment charging)

※ When requesting a refund, card usage will be suspended until it is processed by the relevant department.

※ Card cancellation is only for the pay balance, and the transit balance cannot be canceled in the "NAMANE" app. 

The balance of transit is serviced by Railplus and cannot be refunded in case of theft or loss.

📱 Card Termination Request 

[1] Tap 'MY' to go to the 'MY page', then select 'My NAMANE'.

[2] In the Refund & Termination menu, tap 'Card Termination Request', then select the card to terminate.

[3] Verify the card to terminate and agree, then tap Next to finalize.

❗ Please be noted!

※ Cards must be locked before termination.

※ Once the card is canceled, the cancellation cannot be reversed.

※ Terminated cards cannot be recharged or used again.

※ Termination only applies to the Pay Balance. For Transportation Balance, contact Rail Plus.

※ If there is a remaining balance, the card cannot be canceled. Please transfer the balance before canceling.